Sunday, September 03, 2006

Leary on Gibson

If you’re a fan of Denis Leary, normblog is the place to go for a fix. One of Norm’s posts about Leary, which first appeared a couple of years ago, quoted Leary:
That's what they do, man. They go into rehab and they come out and they blame everybody except themselves. They blame their parents, right? That's the way. Everybody comes from a dysfunctional family all of [a] sudden, huh? Rosanne Barr comes from a dysfunctional family? Not Rosanne! She seems so normal to me! The Jacksons were dysfunctional!? Not the Jacksons! These people give each other new heads for Christmas for Christ's sake!
Recently, Norm linked to this: Leary and Rescue Me co-star Lenny Clarke taking Mel Gibson to task for his anti-Semitic remarks.

[If you’re missing Rescue Me, you’re missing a great show.]

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