Friday, March 03, 2006

New Site, Relationship Advice

Chris Wilson (formerly known as The Enlightened Caveman) has a new blog called: Enlightened Living. In fact, he’s graciously invited me to contribute. It’s very flattering.

Chris is currently in the midst of a series entitled: Relationships 101; part 3 of which, Between Getting and Keeping Relationships, is now up. Here’s a taste:
So let's suppose you've set your sights on the kind of relationship(s) you believe will best serve your quest for long-term happiness. And let's further suppose that you've correctly assessed the market of desirable targets, and that you've successfully enhanced your looks and personality such that you now have wide access to the people with whom you hope to become close. You're there, right? The world is your oyster. Not exactly.

Whether you’re a lonely soul in search of your “soul mate”, or one that appreciates the virtue of singleness, it’s definitely worth a read. Agree or disagree, the comment thread is always a good vehicle for rational dialog. Jump right in!

[What a difference a year makes! I wrote “The Virtue of Singleness” one year ago this month. I guess the maxim holds after all: “never say never”.]

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